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Elevating safety
and security by focusing on a layered and comprehensive approach

Prevention-focused safety and security programs for schools, child care facilities and organizations.

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You should have confidence that you are prepared to protect what matters most.

As a leader you have both the desire and responsibility to protect your staff and those you serve. The challenge is you may have limited time, expertise and resources to accomplish what needs to be done.

How do you prioritize? What options will deliver impact? How do you align a strategy with your culture and budget?

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Download our Top Five Security Mistakes E-Book

The steps to a safer environment

Schedule a Consultation

Tell us what you want to achieve and let us describe how we can help.

Partner with SEC to Develop a Custom Strategy

We provide services tailored to your needs and environment.

Lead with Confidence

Know that you are better prepared to protect what matters most and SEC is here to support you.

Listen to Our Clients

I am a child development expert, not an emergency situation expert. Emergency planning and preparation that impacts the safety of children, families and staff deserves an expert. That's why we partner with SEC year after year.
Heartfelt Learning Centers
SEC provided a comprehensive site assessment that considered not just our physical space but our policies, procedures, trainings, culture, and business priorities.  The level of professionalism, experience and dedication to prevention is unparalleled. 
Flexfab Manufacturing
I enjoyed the fact that the conversation was not evaluative or critical in nature, but rather, more constructive and searching for ways to improve security. The ideas and advice gleaned from the conversation were valuable.
Rockford Public Schools

In the News

Trust our experts

Our expert team has over 100 years of combined experience at the highest level of security and law enforcement. No team is more highly trained and no team is more experienced at providing custom safety and security solutions.
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